Why Use WhizXpress Application

There are so many benefits you get from using WhizXpress for Windows Phone, Android or iOS. First of all you have to find out whether your device can support this application then install and enjoy the benefits. Here are the reasons why you need to use whizxpress app.
The Benefits
Make calls for less – If you like making worldwide calls then the application is good for you. Many people use it because of the significant reduction in costs for international calls. You will get to use data network for free and save on costs. You can also use the application in the absence of data connection and won’t get any roaming charges at all.
Unique Features – Using WhizXpress for Android, iOS or for Windows Phone allows you to make direct calls and receive calls from all over the world. Through the application you can also use the web client or your normal service provider to make calls. Once you have the application you are recommended to use Wi-Fi network to help you save on the associated costs. Your calls will never go unanswered because the application has a feature which is able to redirect unanswered calls to your service provider line.
Variety in Communication – With the WhizXpress application you can make voice calls, video calling, instant messaging and conferencing capabilities as well. Many people who do business will definitely find the application very reliable because it provides a user friendly platform which can support numerous forms of communication. This way they can get to send and receive multimedia files and stay in touch with different people for many hours.
Callback Feature – Get WhizXpress for iTunes and enjoy easy calls which will not necessarily need access to data at all. So long as you have your registered contacts all you will have to do is trigger a call back feature to the registered number and destination. The calls will be connected immediately the initial call is answered.
Instant Messaging and chat – The application also allows you to chat with people from different countries for free. Install the application for your Android, Windows or Apple device and you can set up a group chat to engage people from various parts of the world as you share multimedia files using the same platform as well.


Voice Broadcasting: Better Lead Generation

The voice broadcasting technology is an automated platform for bulk voice calling. Through the system you can play recorded messages and use them for mass communication. After the message is recorded it can then be sent to any mobile phone or a mobile device. Major beneficiaries of this technology are the advertisers who have specific targets in form of contacts. Anyone using this kind of broadcasting always has to have contacts for promotional purposes. The technology works exactly the same way as email broadcast even though voice broadcasts comes with different varieties of options and features.
Voice Message
Basically it doesn’t matter whether you are at home or you are constantly traveling to different places. You can always send voice message easily. Initially the costs of voice messaging were over the roof but recently, with a steady stream of prospective customers and rising needs of consumers, the prices have greatly reduced. A good example of application where you can send a voice message is with business to business (b2b). Sending a voice message would mean that you have to give your recipient a call of action. For example you can say “press 2 and know more about this offer”. 

This method of advertising is so popular. The increase in its use and application is mainly because mobile devices and smart phones made these days are able to install a voice message mobile application. From such an application you can store contacts and reach target groups easily. The advantage of the application is that it can be updated anytime. Now you really don’t have to make a long list of calls thanks to this technology which will allow you to reach numerous people at the same time. You can also use different types of broadcasting using voice messages. Most people like direct connection to a live agent through the voice messaging application. These is very important especially when you need credit balance transfers, renewal of campaigns and checking large balances of overdue payments. Pre-recorded outbound messages are one way voice messaging which are not interactive and do not require immediate customer response.
The new wave that is hitting marketing and mass communication is the voice broadcasting technology. It has made it easy to run business and convey information in the marketplace as well. Applying this kind of broadcasting will definitely give you an optimal return and profit for your investments therefore you should consider it.


Free Video Chatting - WhizXpress

Video Chatting
Chatting rooms are becoming an integral part of human life today. A chat room is just a website or a simple section of the site through which communications with different people can be initiated. Free video chat has made life easy for many people. It is a fantastic way of connecting people by simply transmitting video and emails from one place to another. Socializing has been redefined once again as you can always join a chat room which has individuals with comparable interests and tastes. Many people who opt for companionship from all over the world can now be together thanks to this way of communication. All you need is to simply log into a room of your choice and you will be good to go.
Online Dating
The best application of free video chat is in the match making. Nowadays people get dates through cheap video conferencing solution. The sites can facilitate instant chat rooms for individuals who want to make friends and find dates. People are becoming very busy in their lives so better ways of socializing have been implemented. To get or meet a date you really don’t have to be physically present. It doesn’t matter which country or geographical location you are in. all you need is a good profile and send requests to your interesting potential partners who will see your details and within no time you will be on a video chat. This is a perfect way of matchmaking because one gets to see the real identity of the potential match.
Online video chatting has eliminated dullness in many people’s lives. The internet is now filed with numerous chat rooms with people who are busy looking for perfect matches. With this way of communication there are basically no sophistication and technicalities at all. What one has to do is to have a webcam and look for cheap video conferencing solution and the chat begins.


Mobile Video Chat and Messaging Applications

Many businesses are now opting for a live video chat application for their real time communication needs. Basically video chatting is one of the most challenging and sophisticated way of communication but it is also very reliable and preferred by many people. A video chat involves exchanges or conversations which are visual in nature. The requirements for a video chat are very simple unlike the past days where people needed microphones, webcam and PC device. Now all you need is to install a live video chat application then you can start communicating. This has been less costly for not only businesses but also personal communications for socializing purposes.
Video chat mobile application is a cutting-edge technology. The applications are so many and have helped in overcoming distance barriers worldwide. With smart phones being the latest trends in the market currently more innovations have been made on the application as now they can even support voice messaging. Alternatively one can also opt for voice messaging application for Windows, Android or iOS. Developers are spending sleepless nights trying to come up with fresh opportunities for mobile communications which will make life easier for people. Applications like WhatsApp have taken the world by storm as they have made it cheap and reliable for text messaging and voice messaging as well.
With a live video chat application one can hold conversations of any kind. The mobile application has the option of holding public conversations which involves numerous people or private conversations which involve only two people. Confidentiality of communication is also factored when developing such applications. People can never get into chat rooms unless they are permitted to. The voice message mobile applications have also been important because people can send and receive files easily these days. They can also use emoticons which express anger, love, sadness or any other emotions.


Making Free Calls Via the Internet

There are so many mediums that can see you are connected and more are being invented by the day. As the inventions keep going the costs keep reducing and the reliability gets even better. Since most people have always complained about expensive calls now you can make free call through the internet. This way you will be able to reach friends and relatives easily and at affordable rates. Gone are the days when people never had options for calling. Free calls through the internet are important at personal, professional or any other level you might want to place it. Internet calls have made communications reachable as people are switching their lifestyles to completely rely on the internet to get things done.
The name of free calling by internet is VoIP. There are absolutely no costs in making these calls from PC to PC. Now there are applications which can be installed in mobile devices to enable the same. The applications have better and advanced features which can allow someone to send a voice message as well. All you need to do is download these applications in your smart phone, tablet or laptop and with the right contacts you can make calls via the internet. However, the calling plans might differ from one destination to the next. You might need to get internet calling cards with a budget that suits you. The calling cards are far much more efficient as they enable speed and reliability as well.
To make free call you shall have reduced the phone bills and other associated charges significantly. Most people are now focused about cost cutting for their communication needs as they have to pay other monthly bills like rent. Through free calling by the internet you get good rates which are better than landlines calls or phone calls. If you have the application installed in your device you will always have to keep your eye open for re installation or upgrading purposes.


Download Whizxpress Mobile Application for Endless Communication

International call rates are a huge burden to many people. Communication is key for keeping in touch with family friends and acquaintances. What hinders communication across country borders are the huge roaming charges by the service providers. Now everyone can smile and be happy because the good news is that the WhizXpress application was launched and it’s new and better. This application promises to bring everyone like workmates, friend and families closer regardless of where they are located.
For Android user you can always download WhizXpress smart phone application for android and from this app you will be able to have endless communication.
People are now able to stay connected in different parts of the world around the o’clock. With the whizxpress application you can do multi party calls as well with nonstop conversations and cost efficient communications. The better part is that you can also share multimedia files just with a click of a button. With your mobile device like phone, tablet or laptop you can now save on your huge communication bills immensely. The WhizXpress mobile application can also be installed from the application stores so long as you have an email or mobile phone number. You will be required to set a password to activate this application after which your phone contacts will be imported to the app. 

The WhizXpress mobile application has been for a short time but its use has been on the rise because of the efficiency it brings for many people. Installation barely takes five minutes but you will get numerous reliable features which will relieve you from the hassle of having to pay a lot of money for calls or data. The application can also allow you to initiate free and unlimited calling or chatting. Basically many features that this application has are not available in the other applications at all.



Why use the whizxpress application?

Whizxpress is a smart phone application that runs on Linux, window OS, IOS platforms and SIP supported devices. To find out if your Smartphone supports the application click here WhizXpress for Android.  The application enables the use of international DID, VoIP calling, and data independent calling all in one platform. This mode of communication helps to create value for money while making international calling very simple and easy.
This application provides the ideal solution to making international calls reliably and efficiently. The cost of making international calls is also significantly reduced while using the application. The application also helps individuals and businesses stay in touch despite the long distance and with the costs reduction they can now talk for longer hours.
The advantage associated with this form of international communication is that one is exonerated from managing different calling cards from different countries by using a single platform and number to make calls and receive calls from different parts of the world.

Benefits of the whizxpress application
v  Use of single account
The application can be downloaded from iTune as well from here  WhizXpress for iTune. The user gets to install the application after which the user gets a number which when activated helps to provide a single account to be used to receive and make calls throughout the world. Use of a single account helps to liberate the user from using several calling cards and having to deal with the arduous task of remembering the log in details of each and every card.
v  Make calls for less
The use of the application helps to significantly reduce cost related to international calls. The application enables users to make international calls using data networks for free and this helps save costs associated with making international calls. The call back feature also allows users to be able to make international calls in the absence of data connection and at a rate that is significantly lower than using the roaming services.
v  Variety of communication

The user also has access to instant messaging, voice calls, conferencing and video calling using the application.  The various forms of application make the platform not only suitable for individuals but for businesses as well .The various forms of communication platforms availed  for the  users  at affordable rates makes it easy for people to stay in touch for longer hours and share multimedia files. To find out more about the application and its unique features click herehttp://www.whizxpress.com/gw/.